
Pets and Domestic Violence: How To Get To Safety TOGETHER [Podcast Episode 36]​

October 24, 20232 min read


Mandi, the podcast host, shares a heartbreaking story of Caitlin and her dog losing their lives, due to domestic violence, emphasizing the urgent need for help. There is a lack of pet-friendly shelters for domestic violence victims, with only 17% of shelters accommodating pets. 

Mandi shares about Red Rover, an organization working to make 25% of domestic violence shelters pet-friendly by 2025. She also shared a few other resources for victims seeking safety with their pets. 

This episode underscores the importance of providing options for victims with pets and the necessity of change in domestic violence shelters to ensure the safety of both survivors and their pets so they can heal together in safety.



If you are in danger from domestic violence, whether that be physical, emotional, financial, etc. abuse, please go to TheHotline.org or call 1-800-799-7233 simply just to get information or to get help with a safety plan. If your abuser will see phone numbers called from your phone, use another phone or dial 211 first and ask to be put through to the DV hotline mentioned above. Of course, call 911 if you are in IMMEDIATE danger.Caitlyn Speck and Bailey Mae’s storyRedRover Relief Purple Leash Project with Purina and RedRoverSafe Havens For Pets mapping project to find a pet-friendly DV shelterGreyboy Pet Portraits website and Instagram or Facebook for a smile!
Sign up for Mandi's weekly helpful emails (“Tuesday Tips”) at the bottom of her
website and receive her top 10 list of things to do to stay safer.
Reach out to Mandi via
Instagram or website to reach her.

Music by Andrea Hamilton Binley at HopefulPop.com.

The primary purpose of the Women Aware and Prepared Podcast is to educate and inform. This podcast series does not constitute advice or services. Please use common sense for your own situatio

I speak about trauma-informed resilience, mental health and empowerment offering authenticity with practical solutions to help others live safer with more peace.

Mandi Pratt

I speak about trauma-informed resilience, mental health and empowerment offering authenticity with practical solutions to help others live safer with more peace.

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