I Was Tracked By An Apple AirTag [Podcast Episode 11]
The host, Mandi, shares her story of being alerted that an Apple Air Tag was tracking her. Everyone needs to know about AirTags and their capability for stalking.
Please sign up for Mandi’s weekly Tuesday Tip emails (at the bottom of her website) if you want the AirTag Guide she is drafting up. It’s not easy today to find help with preventing tracking and what to do after you find an AirTag, but she is gathering up material to email a mega resource for you soon!
Lessons Learned
1. Be aware of the crime trends happening around you. That's how I already knew about the air tags and that I should call the police right away.
2. Trust your instincts and act on them.
3. Set your iPhone settings so you can be notified if you are being tracked by an AirTag. Under settings. Go to privacy insecurity. And toggle location services on scroll to the bottom of that page. Tap on system services and activate find my iPhone. Also search for the, find my app. Visit me in the bottom right corner. Then tap, customized tracking notifications to double-check that notifications are enabled. I did that on my phone and made sure that always is checked. And I have also. Gone to my settings and just turned off all location services. Also, I did find out that there is a tracker app. Which is called tracker detect. So that's a good idea for people with the Android phones. And I myself, downloaded. The app tracker detect. So I have that scanner and I can try and scan my car again.
You can find Mandi on Instagram @WomenAwareAndPrepared or her website, WomenAwareAndPrepared.com where you can find out if you’re doing her 10 top tips to stay safer! Grab the free download at the bottom of the site!
Music by Andrea Hamilton Binley at HopefulPop.com.
The primary purpose of the Women Aware and Prepared Podcast is to educate and inform. This podcast series does not constitute advice or services. Please use common sense for your own situation.